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Does Grupo Planeta have companies that sell their products exclusively online?

These are mainly companies focused on digital entertainment and virtual communities.

I have an unpublished work and I’m looking for a publisher, where can I send my manuscript?

Here is the address of our headquarters in Barcelona: Grupo Planeta, Avenida Diagonal 662-664, 08034 Barcelona.

Please make sure to clearly indicate which publishing label of the Group you want to address your manuscript to, as well as your personal contact details. To learn about the editorial line of each label, visit www.planetadelibros.com. Once your manuscript has been reviewed, we will inform you in writing if it has been accepted. Due to the high volume of manuscripts we receive, we cannot provide updates on their status by phone. Please note that manuscripts that are not accepted are destroyed.

In which film and audiovisual production companies is Grupo Planeta involved?

DeAPlaneta, with Spanish productions and major Oscar-winning films; Planeta Junior, aimed at children and young audiences.

I’m interested in working at Grupo Planeta, where should I go?

Check the job offers in the “Work with Us” section, where you can submit your professional profile.

How can I get the rules for the literary awards?

You can directly check the calls for any of the literary awards granted by Grupo Planeta at www.planetadelibros.com, in the Awards section.

What does Grupo Planeta offer in terms of professional training and knowledge updates?

We offer a wide range of programs, both in-person and online, highly oriented to the job market and specializing in languages, vocational and university training, and lifelong learning. You can explore the educational offerings at Planeta Formación y Universidades.

Haven’t we answered your question?

Contact us at 93 492 80 00.