1. Vision

Grupo Planeta is a media group with a leadership vocation in Spanish-speaking content markets and also maintains a prominent presence in other linguistic areas.

2. Mision

Grupo Planeta directs all its activities towards the market through innovative and high-quality products, services, and distribution systems. To achieve this, it relies on the most suitable partnerships and is based on a high-level professional organization that fosters creativity and values the contributions of its collaborators.

3. People

The people who make up Grupo Planeta are the decisive factor in our success. For this reason, we are committed to their continuous development, both personally and professionally, while recognizing and valuing their contribution to the company by involving them in decision-making processes.

4. Ethics

We base the exercise of our activity on the legal frameworks of the markets in which we operate, on respecting social values, and on the honesty of our actions towards people and their environment.

5. Quality

We conceive quality as the full satisfaction of our customers' needs, an indispensable premise of our products and services.

6. Market

We direct our products and services to fully satisfy the cultural, entertainment, education, and information needs of our customers.

7. Profitability

We aim to achieve sustained profitability as a guarantee of future development and value generation for our shareholders.

8. Innovation

We consider innovation in all areas as one of the fundamental elements for our current consolidation and future growth. This is why we dedicate our greatest efforts to research and hold a leading position in the development and research of new content, products, and services.

9. Strategy

Lideramos todos aquellos sectores en los que tenemos experiencia probada y establecemos las alianzas estratégicas más convenientes para el desarrollo de nuevos negocios.

10. Image

Nuestros productos nos configuran como un conjunto de marcas de prestigio. Nuestra vocación de liderazgo en contenidos se fundamenta en el respeto a la personalidad y el desarrollo de cada una de ellas, a la vez que somos conscientes de la gran importancia que los medios de comunicación tienen en nuestro desarrollo.

11. Organization

Formamos un grupo complejo orientado a la acción y que se basa en un estilo de dirección participativa, dotado de estructuras y procedimientos claros y firmes.