Premio Planeta

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Premio Planeta

José Manuel Lara Hernández, founder of Grupo Planeta, created the Premio Planeta de Novela in 1952, initially endowed with 40,000 pesetas, with the goal of promoting the work of authors and simultaneously discovering new readers.
From the initial 40,000 pesetas, and in line with the country's logical growth and the success of the winning novels, the prize amount grew. In 2001, marking the 50th anniversary of the award, the prize reached 100 million pesetas (601,000 euros), and in 2021, coinciding with its 70th anniversary, it stood at one million euros for the winner and 200,000 euros for the finalist.

The list of winners of the Premio Planeta de Novela includes prominent authors whose literary careers were boosted after receiving the award, or whose victory represented a crowning achievement in their writing journey.

Some of them include Ana María Matute, Carmen Kurtz, Emilio Romero, Torcuato Luca de Tena, Concha Alós, Marta Portal, Ramon J. Sender, José Maria Gironella, Mercedes Salisachs, Jorge Semprún, Juan Marsé, Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, Francisco González Ledesma, Juan Antonio Vallejo-Nágera, Terenci Moix, Juan Eslava Galán, Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, Soledad Puértolas, Antonio Gala, Antonio Muñoz Molina, Mario Vargas Llosa, Camilo José Cela, Fernando Delgado, Fernando Schwartz, Juan Manuel de Prada, Carmen Posadas, Espido Freire, Maruja Torres, Rosa Regás, Alfredo Bryce, Antonio Skarmeta, Fernando Savater, Maria de la Pau Janer, Alvaro Pombo, Juan José Millás, Angeles Caso, Eduardo Mendoza, Javier Moro, Lorenzo Silva, Clara Sánchez, Alicia Giménez Bartlett, Dolores Redondo, Javier Sierra, Santiago Posteguillo, Javier Cercas, Eva García Sáenz de Urturi, Carmen Mola (Jorge Díaz, Agustín Martínez, and Antonio Mercero), Luz Gabás, Sonsoles Ónega, and Paloma Sánchez Garnica.

First publishing group in the Spanish-speaking market