With the creation of AulaPlaneta, introduced as a pilot project in 2011 and now present in more than 1,500 schools in Spain, Grupo Planeta contributes to the educational transformation taking place in classrooms today, reaffirming its commitment to the future of education in our society.

AulaPlaneta is a platform that integrates information and communication technologies into the educational world, combining them with the importance of essential content. In this online educational environment, the classroom is enriched, enhancing the teaching and learning process. Students improve their skills and abilities, while teachers benefit from simplified class preparation, delivery, and evaluation.

The vast array of available audiovisual and interactive content is adapted to the curricular content of primary and secondary education subjects, enabling teachers to craft their own lesson plans and access a variety of activity and exercise suggestions.



Av. Diagonal, 662-664, 5.ª 
08034 Barcelona 
Tel. + 34 93 496 70 08

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