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Ediciones Destino has published, since its creation in 1942, the most important Spanish writers of the second half of the 20th century: Miguel Delibes, Fernando Arrabal, Camilo José Cela, Álvaro Cunqueiro, Jesús Fernández Santos, Juan Goytisolo, Carmen Laforet, Carmen Martín Gaite, Ana María Matute, Josep Pla, José Luis Sampedro, Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio, Ramón J. Sender, and Gonzalo Torrente Ballester. Likewise, it has contributed to the success of new generations of storytellers by publishing works by authors such as Manuel Vicent, Francisco Umbral, Juan José Millás, Rosa Regàs, Eugenio Trías, Rafael Argullol, Carme Riera, Valentí Puig, Andrés Trapiello, Antonio Soler, Lorenzo Silva, or Lucía Etxebarria. Among the foreign authors included in Destino’s catalog, through magnificent translations, are Bohumil Hrabal, George Orwell, Doris Lessing, Naguib Mahfuz, Sebastian Haffner, Andrea Camilleri, Per Olov Enquist, DBC Pierre, Yann Martel, Mihail Sebastian, Elfriede Jelinek, and Leo Perutz.

Destino annually awards the Nadal Prize, a prestigious recognition that, in its more than sixty years of history, has honored essential novels of Spanish literature, from Nada by Carmen Laforet, which won the first edition in 1944, to El Jarama by Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio, and works by authors such as Miguel Delibes, Carmen Martín Gaite, Ana María Matute, Francisco Umbral, and Álvaro Cunqueiro and, more recently, Manuel Vicent, Juan José Millás, Gustavo Martín Garzo, Andrés Trapiello, and Ángela Vallvey.

Destino’s current publishing project aims to combine the prestige of a high-quality, well-established catalog with the discovery of new authors, a renewed commitment reflected in its different collections. Áncora y Delfín features works by some of the most important Spanish and international writers. Imago Mundi includes essays covering topics ranging from the arts to philosophy, from literary theories to the analysis of power, as well as scientific, historical, and a broad spectrum of subjects of general interest.


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