Ediciones Península
Founded in 1964, Ediciones Península is a leading publishing house offering a different perspective on the contemporary world, history, and the latest social trends, while also focusing on travel books, sociology, economics, and politics.
Península has established itself as an undeniable reference in the field of human and social sciences, particularly in philosophy and history, without overlooking the biographical genre and major topics in international politics and cultural engagement. Among its notable collections are the prestigious *Atalaya*, which seeks to bring contemporary thought trends to a broad and diverse readership, and the elegant *Imprescindibles*, which features great classics from the imprint’s catalog along with a few outstanding new additions.
Península’s authors include Salvador Giner, Javier Sádaba, Pascual Serrano, Arsenio and Ignacio Escolar, Alfredo Grimaldos, Jorge Verstrynge, Juan Francisco Martín Seco, Santiago Auserón, Vicente Verdú, Manuel Hidalgo, Ian Kershaw, Richard Evans, Christian Salmon, Ahmed Rashid, Terry Eagleton, Marie-Monique Robin, and Vijay Prashad, among others.