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Edicions 62 was founded on Sant Jordi's Day in 1962, launching its first catalog title, Nosaltres els valencians by Joan Fuster. Today, it boasts a catalog of 4,000 works. Despite the political and social context of those early years, it quickly achieved its founding goal: to become a generalist, universal, and modern publishing house.

Under the literary direction of Josep M. Castellet for over forty years, the imprint has published Catalan translations of universal contemporary fiction, a commitment it continues today with significant authors. Another key focus is contemporary Catalan fiction and classics, showcased in collections like El Balancí and Èxits, the latter aimed at a broad audience, featuring Catalan writers of both fiction and non-fiction.

Edicions 62 publishes works across virtually all genres and formats, including poetry, theater, fiction, essays, biographies, and memoirs. It also offers pocket editions, textbooks, and school editions of literary works, as well as dictionaries, encyclopedias, and large illustrated works. Additionally, it organizes prestigious literary awards such as the Premi Sant Joan for Catalan prose, the Premi Gabriel Ferrater for poetry, and the Ciutat de Gandia awards, including the Joanot Martorell for fiction and Ausiàs March for poetry.

Grup 62 brings extensive experience in creating customized publishing projects. Through its new business division, it offers exclusive editions of catalog works, bibliophile editions, small- and large-format illustrated books, and collectible series tailored for the press.


Domicilio social 
Pedro i Pons, 9-11, 11.ª planta, puertas 1 y 2
08034 Barcelona

Dirección de comunicación administrativa 
Av. Diagonal, 662-664
08034 Barcelona

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