Editorial Planeta
Editorial Planeta, founded in 1949 by José Manuel Lara Hernández, was the seed of Grupo Planeta around which publishing imprints and cultural, audiovisual, and communication companies were gradually incorporated.
Editorial Planeta, a leading, benchmark imprint throughout the Spanish-speaking world, publishes works by Spanish and foreign authors aimed at a wide audience seeking reading products that combine quality and success. Its catalogue features close to two thousand authors and covers all literary genres: novels (adventure, historical, detective, humour and thrillers); political and historical essays; biographies and memoirs of contemporary figures, as well as practical, self-help and cookery books.
Since 1952 it has awarded the Planeta Prize, the most renowned and outstanding of the Spanish literary competitions. An annual event that transcends the world of literature and putting the award, every 15 October, at the centre of cultural and social news. Its list of winners includes Nobel laureates Camilo José Cela and Mario Vargas Llosa, and the great names of Spanish literature of the second half of the twentieth century, such as Ana María Matute, Ramón J. Sender, José María Gironella, Mercedes Salisachs, Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, Jorge Semprún, Francisco Umbral, Antonio Gala and Terenci Moix, among others, who are joined by authors whom the award has introduced to a wider audience such as Juan Marsé, Soledad Puértolas, Antonio Muñoz Molina, Carmen Posadas, Rosa Regàs, Fernando Savater, Eduardo Mendoza, Javier Sierra, Eva García Sáenz de Urturi, Carmen Mola, Luz Gabás and Sonsoles Ónega.
Editorial Planeta promotes other important competitions, such as the Fernando Lara Novel Prize, in memory of the former CEO of Grupo Planeta who died in 1995, organised jointly with the José Manuel Lara Foundation since 1996. And also the Azorín Prize, which has been awarded since 1994 in Alicante.
Editorial Planeta's books are usually very well received by readers, who situated them on the bestseller lists, as happened with La sombra del viento, by Carlos Ruiz Zafón (which has now seen over one hundred editions in Spanish); Sira, by María Dueñas, and Por si las voces vuelven, by Ángel Martín. International bestsellers prominently include authors such as Christian Jacq, Dan Brown, Camilla Läckberg and Rebecca Yarros.
Av. Diagonal, 662-664 08034