Editorial Seix Barral
Seix Barral is a literary publishing house with over 100 years of history. It was founded in 1911 as a graphic arts company and soon became part of Barcelona's publishing tradition, establishing itself as a benchmark in Spain and Latin America. At its inception, it focused on post-war narrative and the boom of Latin American literature, and today its extensive catalog combines the prestige of established authors with a firm commitment to recently created works, always driven by a commitment to quality and the desire to publish books that make an impact.
In 1955, it launched the Biblioteca Breve collection, which gathers great authors who have energized the Spanish-language literary scene. Another emblematic collection, named after the international meetings of writers and editors held in Mallorca in the 1960s, is the Biblioteca Formentor collection, dedicated to works by foreign authors.
In 1982, Seix Barral joined Grupo Planeta. Since then, the publisher has continued to publish works by great Spanish-language authors, such as Luis Goytisolo, Juan Marsé, Eduardo Mendoza, Rosa Regàs, Cervantes Prize winner Jorge Luis Borges, and Nobel Prize winners Mario Vargas Llosa, Camilo José Cela, Pablo Neruda, and Octavio Paz. Its catalog also includes renowned foreign authors such as Nobel Prize winner Ernest Hemingway, Virginia Woolf, Don DeLillo, Patrick Süskind, and the breakout author of Scandinavian literature, Åsa Larsson.
The publisher has grown with new collections and, ahead of the crossover literature trend, created the Biblioteca Furtiva collection with the aim of bringing quality literature to all audiences.
Since 1958, Seix Barral has annually awarded the Premio Biblioteca Breve for Spanish-language novels, one of the most prestigious awards in the Spanish literary field. In 1972, the prize was discontinued until it was reinstated in 1999. The list of early winners includes fundamental names in Latin American literature, such as Luis Goytisolo, Juan Marsé, Juan Benet, Guillermo Cabrera Infante, and Mario Vargas Llosa. Over the years, the Premio Biblioteca Breve has contributed to maintaining a vibrant bridge between Spanish and Latin American literature and has captured the spirit of its time at each moment.
Today, Seix Barral continues its original purpose of "stimulating young writers to join the movement of European literary renewal" through the publication of numerous high-quality works, offering novels, poetry, and essays by recognized authors.