ESLSCA Business School Paris is a school of commerce founded in 1949 following the method of the major French schools of commerce. ESLSCA Business School Paris proposes an innovative methodology, with a balance between practical experience and progressive methodology. The school has developed its activities to become a pole of academic excellence in the spheres of finances, commerce, management and marketing. It has a network of over 15,000 alumni with over 50 different nationalities, who occupy positions of major responsibility in France and the rest of the world alike. 

The school proposes different types of learning: a “Grande École” programme, degree studies and specialised MBAs. The ESLSCA programmes, with a strong international vocation, contribute towards training the managers of tomorrow. The school's teaching team is a reflection of its demanding standards in terms of education and research, in both the national and the international spheres. Among the teaching staff there are numerous professionals who transmit their occupational experiences, placing the emphasis on teamwork. The teaching is complemented with conferences, forums and study sessions. The school also participates in the task of research undertaken from Europe for the enhancement of management training.



1, rue Bougainville

75007 Paris

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