Sup de Luxe
Founded by Cartier in 1990, Sup de Luxe welcomes 300 students from all over the world every year. Hand in hand with its network of 2,800 graduates of all nationalities spread around the world at the helm of luxury brands, the institute has achieved unrelenting success since its creation. A leader in the learning ranking tables that prepares people for professions related with luxury, its programmes are a benchmark both in France and in the rest of the world.
Sup de Luxe provides the keys to the world of luxury thanks to the unique opportunities it offers: teaching taught exclusively by professionals from luxury brands and houses. Weekly contacts with decision-makers in the field of luxury. Sponsorship of students by professionals in the sector. Visits to companies, professional fairs, creation workshops, production centres, etc.
Sup de Luxe's main objectives are to create an incubator for young managers for all the professions in the sector; to promote the values of luxury by promoting and developing an observatory and a research and study centre, and to promote a greater general culture of the sector through the regular publication of works.
74-80 rue Roque de Fillol - 92800 Puteaux
Campus : 15 rue de Cambrai - 75019 Paris