Salsa Books
Salsa Books publishes cookbooks and books on food topics. In 2003, Grup 62 created this new editorial line of cookbooks and gastronomic topics in Catalan, Spanish, and English. Each book has a different format and layout depending on each project. Names such as Carme Ruscalleda, Santi Santamaria and Sergi Arola feature in this catalogue. It made the wise choice at the time to publish the books of prestigious dietician Michel Montignac, being his publisher in the Spanish language. Recently the imprint has specialised in books on bakery and creative decoration with sugar; without neglecting, of course, its flagship authors. These are full-colour books, with step-by-step photographs that introduce us to the fantastic art of decorating cakes. Soon we will be launching a new line of craft books that connect with the current trend of recovering the "handmade", so typical of our grandmothers, which we have lost and that, in its updated version, is a great form of entertainment that helps to release the stresses of the life we lead and is seducing more and more people every day.
Av. Diagonal, 662-664
08034 Barcelona